Howe Ave., 69kV Upgrade Project wins NJ Alliance for Action Distinguished Engineering Award
New Jersey Alliance for Action put together a spectacular event to honor a special circle of Garden State Engineering projects. Enovate is proud to say that we received two awards - on of these was for the Howe Ave., 69kV Upgrade Prject in Passaic County.
PSE&G is currently conducting statewide electric reliability improvements to upgrade its utility infrastructure. Working closely with PSEG,the prime contractors are responsible for work such as demolishing existing foundations, control houses and grounding. Additionally, they install new 69kVyard foundations and GIS buildings, 13kV and 69kV manholes and duct banks.
Enovate had been assigned the responsibility of track monitoring throughout the upgrades of the Howe Avenue Substation on Howe Avenue in Passaic, NJ while this work was being done. This involved closely observing the condition of the tracks to ensure their stability and safety during the jack and bore operations. Regular monitoring helped to identify any potential issues and offered the opportunity to take timely corrective measures. Additionally,Enovate was responsible for reporting on the progress and status of the project through documentation of all activities, reporting any challenges faced and status of overall progress.
Enovate installed one (1)Automated Motorized Total Station (AMTS) to remotely monitor vertical and horizontal movements of the NJT Rails during jack and bore operations.Reflective monitoring prisms were installed on the rail and remotely read by the AMTS. Reference points were installed on fixed structures outside of the work zone. The AMTS was solar powered and installed just outside of the work zone. It was programmed to record data at specified intervals and allowed for the remote data transfer to Enovate’s instrumentation website.
The data from the instruments was remotely collected and stored in our Enovate database as well as posted on our instrumentation website to allow approved parties to view, download and print tabulated or plotted data.Data on the instrumentation website is updated every hour. Automated alerts were set up in the event of a threshold or limiting value being exceeded for movement.
Enovate managed the data collection, database and website and provided and managed authorized access. Automated reports were sent out daily.We provided an interpretive report at the end of the jack and bore operations summarizing or measurements and comparing to construction activities.